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About me

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         Born in Italy, I lived for many years in the United Kingdom and the United States.  After graduating from Brown University in the United States, I moved to Paris, and for over 20 years I was an executive in the media industry. During that time, I had managerial responsibilities (deputy director, member of the executive committee and channel representative on the Board of Directors), creative responsibilities (production and editorial development), and commercial responsibilities (programme sales and channel distribution).

Having spent all those years within companies, I was keenly aware of the need for and benefits of executive development. Ready for a new professional challenge, in 2014 I decided to become a professional coach.


I trained in Psychosocial Risk Prevention, Benevolent Management, Mindfulness, Theatrical Play, Sandtray Coaching, NVC (non-violent communication) and EFT (emotional freedom techniques).  I am also certified in bodywork techniques and practices for Well-Being and Therapeutic Work Alliance, specialized in Creative Coaching, Art Therapy

and Sophro-Relaxation.


Helping people become their best professional selves has been fulfilling and has given meaning to my daily work life. I specialize in individual and collective coaching in companies, attentive management, quality of life at work, the search for direction and meaning, and the prevention of psychosocial risks. Providing down to earth tools to increase stress resilience, personal and professional growth and overall well-being.


I integrate into my practice tools of coaching, creative expression, sophro-relaxation and emotional intelligence, in order to help people think, learn and approach their work and lives in a different way.  The result is increased optimism, innovation, motivation and efficiency, which benefits individuals and their employers.


In addition to my work as a coach, I have also developed and present content (including live presentations and video productions) about sexual harassment awareness in the work place, and quality of life at work.


I am also fortunate to be very involved with the elderly and people suffering from Alzheimer's disease, in hospice and palliative care, assisting patients and their families through end of life.


Convinced that we all are capable of great adaptation and transformation, I am passionate about unlocking

the unrealized capacities of each individual.

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(+33) (0)6 16 83 40 73

© 2021 by nataliaglisenti. Created with Inspired by @Natalia Glisenti

Coordinated and translated by @Yohan Giubergia Designed and created by @Marie for @imaginepixel

Photos @Juliette Huard

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